The best, reliable and fastest way to get in touch with Dr Banda is via the "Contact Us" tab on this website. It avoids too many phone calls to the front desk and allows them more
time to attend to people presenting for face to face consultations at the Main Street Medical Centre. Please note that staff will likely direct you to this tab if you call the practice.
Keep the messages brief and succinct for the response time to be triaged appropriately
Please state your child's name, your name and provide your mobile number
No medical advice will generally be provided through the tab but a consultation time to discuss the query can easily be arranged. Please note that the usual fees with out of pocket costs will be charged for phone or video consultations. The tab is not a substitute for a medical consultation.
Allow up to 24-48 hrs for a response and avoid calling the practice after you have already posted a message. It is likely that you will receive a response within a few hours
(sometimes minutes) on the same day except out of hours, weekends, holidays or when Dr Banda is on leave